Driven and innovative educator with a strong belief in the power of instructional design to connect all learners with the knowledge and skills to grow and succeed. Proven history of developing engaging curricula based on researched, data-driven strategies that produce measurable results.
LMS Design
What: I designed a fully responsive, interactive, and accessible LMS to meet learners’ unique needs
Why: Learners were struggling to access existing resources on their mobile devices
How: I built the LMS on a Wordpress platform by purchasing a professional theme, several plugins, and learning to edit HTML and CSS
I designed my own responsive LMS to solve a problem. My learners were failing to demonstrate mastery of the course content because they
Rapid iterative prototyping or the S.A.M. learning model are represented in this LMS as changes were made daily and on the fly after near constant evaluation
Assessments were vital in ensuring my LMS met its objectives. Assessments were both summative and formative, and each assessment provided immediate feedback with either progression or redirection to additional resources.
What: I created dozens of videos to supplement eLearning and Blended Learning curriculum
Why: Learners needed accessibility to meet their diverse English and reading skill levels
How: I used a variety of video editing tools to create a wide range of instructional videos and graphics
Camtasia, Adobe, and iMovie were used in combination to create this video collection.
Each video shows my ability to chunk complicated subject matter into digestible learning objectives.
Instructional videos in this collection illustrate my ability to create content for an eLearning environment.
Edcamp Arlington
What: I led a founding team to hold a professional development conference serving two states and the District of Columbia across several counties
Why: Educators wanted a more organic and decentralized learning experience
How: Through social media and other online tools, I recruited the founding team, planned the event, secured sponsors, and broadcast the event to a wide audience
The decentralized nature of the conference demonstrates my understanding of how adult learners process information
Working with sponsors illustrates my ability to produce a product that professionals want to invest in
I recruited and led the founding team through careful planning, attention to detail, and effective time management